Al-Anon Famly Groups - 9086 2368

Alcoholic's Anonymous - 9043 4848

AWARE - 7126 6602

Care for Cancer - 8224 6599

CRUISE - 8224 4414

Drugs Anonymous - 8224 6177

Gamblers Anonymous - 7135 1329

The Samaritans - 8224 4944

Women's Aid - 8224 5998

Parkinson's Disease - 8224 2889





APOSTOLIC WORK: Honorary membership subscriptions for Apostolic Work are collected annually. Envelopes will be distributed at the Church door this weekend. They will be collected on 7th & 8th March. Living and deceased family members can be enrolled. The usual donation is £2. Mass will be offered during Lent for all Honorary Members. All your donations and fund-raising by Apostolic Work is given directly to missionaries known to us who are working in Third World Countries to relieve victims of aids, famine and extreme poverty



• Apostolic Work

• St Vincent de Paul

• Legion of Mary

• Choir/Organists

• Youth Clubs

• Scouts



With our parish now being asked to operate with one priest for the first time, on what we have to assume will be a permanent basis, the support and participation of parishioners in running the parish, at pastoral and administrative level, will be more important than ever; in fact, vital.

With the ever increasing decline in the number of priests in active ministry very much in mind, the Derry Diocese introduced a support programme last year to help parishes in the diocese to set up effective Parish Pastoral Councils. The programme aims to guide and assist parishioners in taking an active role in the life and future of their parish. Eleven parishes participated in Phase I of the programme. A similar support programme is being operated in 2012 and parishes are now being invited to participate in it. I am proposing that our parish participate in Phase II of the programme, in 2012. For the programme to provide meaningful support and formation, the parishes participating are required to commit to the following format:

· January: The Parish Priest and three / four delegates (parishioners) attend a Study Day and form a co-ordinating team

· February: The co-ordinating team hold an Introductory / Information Weekend in the parish, with special prayers during the weekend

· April: Parishioners are asked to participate in a Questionnaire on ‘The Life and Future of our Parish as a Living Faith Community’

· May / June: A Parish Assembly Day is held, when the first members of the new Pastoral Council are elected

· September / October: the first members attend a Weekend Formation Programme

· November / December, the new Parish Pastoral Council will be fully operational.

Further information in the coming weeks. If you have any thoughts or views, in the meantime, on our parish participating in the Pastoral Council Support Programme, please let me know.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSES FOR 2011/12 - 028 82242439 or email : accordomagh@btopenworld.com December 2nd & 3rd - January 13th & 14th February 10th & 11th - March 9th & 10th - April 20th & 21st - May 11th & 12th - June 1st & 2nd

Numbers are limited so please book early. The fee of £130 per couple must be included with your completed form and sent to : The Secretary, Accord, Mount Saint Columba Pastoral Centre, 48 Brook Street, Omagh BT78 5HD. A £25 cancellation fee will be levied if you cancel within 2 weeks of your course date. A light lunch will be provided on the Saturday



Legion of Mary meets every Monday at 6.30 pm in the meeting room in church. New members welcome




A Parish Finance Council has recently been formed in our parish. The members of the Council are:

Jo Sweeney (Dregish), Catherine Lennon and Tracey Cassidy (Drumnabey), Sean McCarron and Sean McLaughlin (Castlederg), Fr Doherty PP and
Fr O’Doherty CC.

The role of the Parish Finance Council is to assist the priests of the parish in ensuring that effective administrative and financial controls and systems are in place in the management of income and expenditure. The Council is of a consultative and advisory nature. It will meet a minimum of three times each year and the first meeting, an introductory meeting, was held in Castlederg on the evening of Thursday 7th May. We are grateful to the members for giving of their time and expertise to the Parish Finance Council.


Derry Diocese Child Protection Annual Update

A lot of work has been accomplished in the area of Child Protection in the Diocese over the past number of years due to the commitment of personnel at all levels in the diocese from the Bishop through to dedicated Parish Representatives working on the ground in all parishes.

The Diocese of Derry continues to put in place those structures, personnel, policies and procedures that will try to ensure the protection and welfare of children and young people in a manner consistent with statutory requirements and Church guidelines. In the light of the teaching of the Church, Civil Legislation and Guidance, every part of the Church community must be committed to taking the necessary steps to :

• Demonstrate that the right of the child to protection from harm is paramount

• Cherish and safeguard children and young people

• Foster best practice

• Support Church organisations and personnel in safeguarding children

• Establish safe recruitment and vetting practices - aimed at preventing those who pose a risk to children from holding positions of trust

• Maintain codes of behaviour - having clear guidelines that set out what is and is not acceptable behaviour as an essential part of keeping children safe.

The Diocese now has a Child Protection Committee, Diocesan Co-ordinator, 2 Diocesan Trainers and a network of Parish Representatives.

The trainers deliver information on “best practice” and raise awareness of child protection issues; they also provide support to parishes within the Diocese. In turn the Parish Representatives will pass on this information and raise awareness within their parish communities. This is done through information evenings that have been and continue to be held throughout the Diocese.

Notices are displayed in our churches which include the Diocesan Policy Statement, contact numbers for statutory authorities for anyone with a concern in relation to child protection or who wish to make an allegation as well as the names and contact numbers of the diocesan delegates.

28th April 2009